Friday 5 September 2008

Before entering class, please remember to switch your mobiles on.

One reason to use mobile phones as an alternative to a traditional workstation could be lack of access to technology in school/university settings. In his session, David Brett gave some other reasons for integrating mobile phones in language learning: They are widespread, getting smaller and more economical. Together with the anywhere, anytime factor and movability, portability. Also, it is possible to do a lot of things with them; audio, video file production, web browsing etc .
David demonstrated the interface of the software Flash Lite player by Adobe (which can be run on several different mobile platforms.) Creation of standalone interactive exercises to be run on the mobile phone provides an alternative to traditional learning. They are all short sound bite exercises, both images and text based listening/reading exercises. To distribute them, students can eg download them from a web page, or they can be sent by mms or bluetooth.

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